We're able to predict by combining various factors how high the wall of water will be on the shoreline when a hurricane makes landfall.
Researchers have combined present readings and factors to adjust historical data.
Like most accidents, it combined several factors.
Entrepreneurs are able to combine factors of production and new technologies forcing existing firms to adapt or exit the market.
It combines skills in graphic design, writing, and human factors to make complex information easier to understand.
Thus, because of these combining factors, Henry IV had no choice but to back down, needing time to marshal his forces to fight the rebellion.
That index combines such factors as adult literacy, infant mortality and inflation rates to compare the well-being of nations.
Its aim is to understand the processes that make for good software engineering practice, and how these need to combine human and technical factors.
Many stock selection methods have emerged which involve evaluating a composite score by combining several factors.
Most other states combine several factors, including S.A.T. scores and high-school grades.