Known for his explosive style, combining flair and aggression with proper, elegant strokes, Taylor has been a match-winner in many of the RCB's wins.
He combined insouciance and flair with dignity.
The most renowned creative entrepreneurs have combined creative flair with entrepreneurial ability to build multi-million dollar business empires.
Such charm is also evident on the court, where he combines fundamentals and flair.
Lettuce's formula, which combines theatrical flair with good value, permeates all its restaurants, which span the budget spectrum and include Mexican, Italian, seafood and those that offer more serious, formal fare.
Mitchell immediately envisioned combining European flair with performance somewhere between that of a good GM sedan and a true sports car.
Ms. Sattin, meanwhile, is an insinuating, comforting powerhouse, combining warmth, flair and theatricality.
However, they generally combine theatrical flair and good value.
Alejandro DeTomaso, whose company produced a sports car that combined Italian flair with American horsepower, died on Wednesday in Modena, Italy.
Mozambique itself is a remarkable country, combining Latin flair and African warmth in a laissez-faire atmosphere.