He is known for combining improvisation with mimicry and music.
The ensemble often combines free improvisation with swing.
Works generally combine improvisation with conventional scoring and move frequently from one system to the other.
Ms. Gray has set out to revive the way that era's performers combined seemingly flaky improvisation with a sure sense of identity.
Since then, she has pioneered music combining improvisation, meditation, electronics, myth, dance, theater, ritual and multimedia.
Like many of her shows, it combines erotic dancing, improvisation, comedy, audience participation, and monologue.
His work combines composition and improvisation and is often humorous in nature.
They combined radical free improvisation with a strong sense of tune and equal emphasis on each instrument in the group.
It combines improvisation with the use of the camera to unveil truth or highlight subjects hidden behind crude reality.
The music is elemental and combines movement, singing, playing, and improvisation.