It gives my women customers confidence to see a woman combining a career and motherhood.
The stage was an ideal profession for combining motherhood and a career, she said.
Combining marriage and motherhood with a career in science, though no longer impossible, remains difficult.
Who's to say even that combining a long marriage, a career and motherhood is what makes a woman complete?
Younger women, on reaching 30, often find themselves in conflict over whether to marry, have children, or combine motherhood with a career.
I wanted to find some other meaning to my life and it seemed impossible to combine motherhood with the music business.
Combining professional work and motherhood over the long haul - now that's something new.
She suggests that these women try to change the work force to make it easier to combine jobs and motherhood.
Like many of her classmates, she tried to combine motherhood with a full-throttle career.
She was critical of the piece for having one woman's attempt to combine marriage, motherhood, and a career as an artist.