In Hindu nationalism, the term "Hindu" combines notions of geographical unity, common culture and common race.
I'm very uneasy with what occurs when you combine notions of atrocity and glamour.
Mr. Beene's designs suggest a new woman in an old world combining classic notions with the modern idea of comfortable clothing.
Legal historian Paul A. Lombardo states that very soon the Jukes family study was turned into a "genetic morality tale" which combined religious notions of the sins of the father and eugenic pseudoscience.
This stance, simultaneously part of and apart from, combines sociological, anthropological, literary and historical notions of the relationship between the individual and the greater populace.
Falun Gong, which was developed in 1992 by a former clerk named Li Hongzhi, combines elements of Buddhism, Taoism and traditional Chinese notions of cosmic forces in the body.
These concepts do not generalize numbers but combine notions of functions and sets which are not yet formalized, breaking away from familiar mathematical objects.
Mr. Hlungwane, by contrast, learned woodcarving during a childhood without formal education, and his sculptures reflect a profound religiosity combining Western and African notions of faith.
The German word Besessenheit (which combines notions of both possession and obsession) says it nicely.
It was a feature of Bernini's sculpture that he could combine abstract notions such as grandeur and nobility with precise individual characteristics of the sitter.