Unisys, based in Blue Bell, Pa., will combine portions of its commercial and government business groups in a unit that will offer systems integration and other services.
The district was established in 1969 by combining portions of the former districts of Neustadt and Frankenthal.
May's expression, around the cigarette in the corner of her mouth, combined equal portions of wonder and delight.
Few programs use only one of these techniques exclusively; most combine portions of each into one synthetic system.
On April 11, 1823, Wayne County was formed by combining portions of Seneca and Ontario counties.
The route did not directly replace any auto trail, instead combining portions of many into one continuous route.
The program combines the familiar low carbs, small portions and frequent servings with Scriptural teachings and therapy sessions designed to unseat the psychological roots of overeating.
Delaware County was formed in 1797 by combining portions of Otsego and Ulster counties.
Eventually, he discovered a formula that combined small portions of dozens of the best-known herbal remedies of the time, which he named Mithridatium.
The line was created after the merger with the Southern Pacific Transportation Company by combining portions of lines built by former competitors.