In planning for 10 years, prototype 180 is described as "reconsideration of monumentality that combines live performance, sculpture, architecture and technology."
Now, this energetic importer of ideas has exported a fine small show of his own designs, which combine architecture, sculpture and landscape.
These performances were intended as works of a new art form combining sculpture, dance, and music or sound, often with audience participation.
He works by combining sculpture, paint, and performance, thus creating art that mixes minimalism, pop, and surrealism.
It combines paintings and sculpture with architecture, a landscaped park and the sea.
Something of their parallel development and underlying rivalry can be understood from their respective projects to combine sculpture and architecture.
The north window in the sanctuary is unique as it combines tracery and sculpture with stained glass in a single theme.
These performances were often designed to be the creation of a new art form, combining sculpture, dance, and music or sound, often with audience participation.
The exhibitions functioned as installations combining large painting, sculpture, objects and furniture which were open to the public day and night.
The building is regarded an outstanding example of combining church architecture and sculpture.