Set in academia and the well-heeled environs of Martha's Vineyard and Washington, the narrative combines politics and suspense with ruminations on race relations and the pleasures and miseries of family life.
Based on a true story, the movie combines sports-picture suspense with heroic-educator uplift when Carter, dismayed that his players are slipping academically, padlocks the gym in the midst of an undefeated season.
With a young high-tech '90s feel and just a touch of '40s retro charm, Murder Call follows a classic clue - puzzle plot, combining mystery, action and suspense, spiked with humour, romance and a touch of the bizarre.
In darkly humorous prose, he combines autobiography, history, fantasy, and suspense.
This combined an art-film aesthetic with strong sexuality, violence, and suspense woven into a murder mystery plot set, with deliberate irony, in a seemingly idyllic small town in America.
As a novel, the narrative of Passage of Arms combines high and low humor, political and social suspense, and military action populated by vivid characters acting in "exotic" locales.
His most recent works combine suspense and humor.
Playwright John McKay, perhaps best known for his Channel 4 sitcom My Dead Dad, has written a neat, pacy story that combines humour and suspense with concise and colourful dialogue.
The British hit series "Downton Abbey," as Nancy Franklin wrote in the April 18, 2011, issue, "is set in an enormous English country house, combines romance, suspense, and comedy, and has sumptuous production values...
One of MacLean's most popular works, it combines mystery, suspense, action, clever bluffs and double bluffs, with MacLean's trademark self-deprecating wit.