A windhexe is a machine that combines the properties of a blender and a blow dryer.
"At the end of the day, combining all the properties and building amusements, hotels and residential would be a wonderful thing for New York," he said.
The disks Corning is developing are made of a material it calls a glass-ceramic, which combines the properties of both materials.
Developing innovative foods based on combining the health-enhancing properties from fruits and vegetables.
All three combine the properties if high tensile modulus and low density, but to different degrees.
A sporf is a single eating utensil combining the properties of a spoon, fork, and knife.
It combines the stretchy properties of knits such as spandex with the rich appearance and feel of velvet.
Leucojum vernum 'Podpolozje' is a robust cultivar which combines the properties of var.
In August 2011 Glencore's CEO said the company planned to combine the two properties and to increase its share to over 50%.
It was a revolutionary design combining the properties of an armored personnel carrier (APC) and a light tank.