The combined deficit in trade with the countries of the European Community was $464 million, down from $1.2 billion.
For the decade from 2011 to 2020, it is predicting a combined deficit of $6 trillion.
The hospitals had a combined $56 million deficit.
Today New York City and State face a combined deficit of about $10 billion through July 1992.
But by the end of the current fiscal year on March 31, 1999, the combined deficits are projected to reach 9.8 percent of output.
For the 1991 fiscal year, the combined deficit will be $232 billion, the office said.
The combined deficits with China and Japan account for 72 percent of the total United States deficit so far this year.
States, however, are facing a combined deficit of $27 billion in 2003 and as much as $70 billion in 2004.
That's a combined 51-0 deficit that widened to 65-0 counting the early minutes of each third quarter.
Administrators say that the combined operating-budget deficits of the hospital and the medical school have grown to $100 million.