The salary cap for this season was set at £1.6 million for the combined earnings of the top 25 players.
The combined earnings of the city banks were down by a third from the previous year, marking the fifth consecutive decline.
He estimated that combined earnings per share would be $2.74 for 1989.
The combined earnings of the top 25 players must not exceed £1.65 million.
In fiscal years 2006-2007, the system continued its financial turnaround by posting combined earnings of $72.7 million.
The companies' combined 1993 earnings were $119 million, on revenues of $1.3 billion.
Their combined earnings were 3s 6d (17 p).
The companies said they believed that a merger would have added $200 million a year to combined earnings.
The mayor estimates the immigrants' combined earnings at about 500,000 euros a year, "most of it spent here."
The index is now trading at 811 times the combined earnings of the companies in the index.