The commission stated that Israeli establishment insensitivity had allowed widespread discrimination against Arab Israelis leading to the "combustible atmosphere" that led to the riots.
The combustible atmosphere hinges on issues as perennial as who is in charge - the city or the federal government.
The commission said insensitivity by the Israeli "establishment" permitted widespread discrimination against Israeli Arabs and the buildup of a "combustible atmosphere," as, it said, a politicized Islam began to radicalize the population.
Agitation for social justice and regionalist ferment created a combustible atmosphere, and Barcelona became the scene of strikes and anarchist violence.
And perhaps the impressionable Raptors also buckled under the combustible atmosphere created by Butch Carter's controversy du jour.
Given the combustible atmosphere in many prisons and jails, and the fact that force may be necessary to subdue a violent inmate, it is not clear how many Rikers inmates were injured as a result of deliberate beatings.
Judging by their faces and the combustible atmosphere, they were all supposed to be somewhere besides Logan Airport in Boston.
In the combustible atmosphere of New York's inner-city schools and streets, the presence of knives can turn an argument deadly.
Yet given all that Jefferson was doing, and the combustible atmosphere of the moment, Adams's rancorous comments were remarkably few and mild.
Safeguards, such as current limiting by resistors and fuses, must be employed to ensure that in no circumstance can a component reach a temperature that could cause autoignition of a combustible atmosphere.