The dispute has injected a combustible element into Hong Kong's legislative elections, which will be held Sunday.
But it has injected a combustible element into the drama playing out in the capital.
While company representatives and union leaders are hinting at a compromise, the warm-up strikes have injected a combustible element into an already tense situation, according to labor experts.
Volkswagen said on Monday that it planned deep cuts in jobs in Germany, injecting a combustible element into a German election campaign already driven by fears about unemployment.
The flame feeds off the most highly combustible elements: survival and ambition, caution and creativity, supreme confidence and dark fear.
Some of the same combustible elements of those years are present in America again.
Experts say that far from anchoring the political debate, the proposal could inject a combustible new element into it.
Indeed, Shinn concludes, the militia was composed of "combustible elements".
The day's combustible elements somewhat overshadowed the victory of Italy's Prada Challenge, which improved its record to 7-0, by defeating previously undefeated Young America by less than 10 seconds.
The plant uses the combustible elements in trash, primarily paper and plastics, to incinerate it all more efficiently at over 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.