Piper's career came to an end at the Battle of Poltava (1709), where he was among the prisoners.
This came to grief at the Battle of Yibneh in 1123.
The next engagement for the regiment came on 11 July at the Battle of Znaim.
The final battle came ten years later at the Battle of Bouvines.
Their first action came on 11 May 1745, at the Battle of Fontenoy.
Godwin's first action came at the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1862.
The regiment's first action together came at the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745 against the French.
This victory did eventually come at the Battle of Issus in 622.
The regiment first came under fire at the Battle of Mechanicsville, where it lost nearly 100 men.
Arnold's greatest success came later on land, at the Battle of Saratoga, considered the turning point in the war to the patriot cause.