Immediately she got her reward as a stream of come came flowing into her throat.
Then, too swift for surmise, the Appointed came flowing out of the wood's anguish.
"They come flowing around here," he said gesturing through the empty air, "and are so thick, you can cut them with a knife."
Stars appeared, wind came flowing like icy water over the rim of the mountain.
As thrifts and banks increase rates paid to their depositors, money comes flowing back in.
People presently came flowing out of the door and spread between the gravestones.
Marion was my little doggie,' Evita said, and the tears came flowing again.
Within a few months, the superluminal S-wave messages came flowing back.
Enough time for shadow to come flowing along in a gray carpet.
But once the adrenaline kicked in, it all came flowing back.