After winning 6, drawing five and losing seven, Boy came back for the following season.
When the veterans came back for the 1947 season, White lost his starting job to Martin.
He was coming back for the season, and Philip made up his mind to write to him.
Then the family came to town for the season, and of course he was proud to introduce her to them.
Mauti came back for the 2012 season with a chip on his shoulder.
Slim Jim came on board for the 1996 season.
This system came into force for the 1975-76 season.
She came back for the 2007-08 season and won her second women's provincial championship in 2008.
The few that come on the market rent for $20,000 to $50,000 for the season, he said.
Then, when seven jobs came open for the 2000 season, three clubs called.