Indeed he is likely to contend that he came under pressure from ministers to reduce queues in arrivals halls.
The rebellion came despite intense efforts from ministers to stop MPs backing the motion.
Conflicting signals came from both ministers and officials on Wednesday.
The initial call for UN action came from foreign ministers of the five Central American countries last spring.
Much of the criticism of the Israeli decision and military action today came from the right, from ministers and other officials who feared that they did not go far enough.
At the weekly Israeli cabinet meeting in Jerusalem today, the security plan put forward by Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer - called "Gaza First" - came under fire from several ministers on the right.
The law subsequently came in for criticism from several ministers, most prominently Anbumani Ramadoss and Oscar Fernandes.
This was corrected because the report asking for clearer guidelines on this matter comes from the foreign affairs select committee, rather than from ministers.
Of those, 41 percent said the harassment came from other ministers.
All three of those quotations come from our former colleagues in this House, Nick Clegg and Chris Huhne - now, alarmingly, ministers in the British Government.