In part, this comes from his ability to explore the medium at a time when many were heralding its death.
The market's enthusiasm for the process comes more from its potential ability to help users of the technology avoid a costly liability.
More than that, it comes from our ability to work together for the common good.
This name came from her ability to read to him as he was trying to improve his grasp of the French language.
This came from his ability to get batters to ground into double plays.
The basis for comprehensive planning comes from the government's ability to protect the health and welfare of its citizens.
The energy of the painting seems to come from the artist's ability to make himself a natural source.
But wealth came from his ability to duplicate American currency.
Part of Japan's business success has come from its executives' ability to adapt.
A lot of Zephram's success in business came from his ability to be likable.