This may have come, in part, from his decision to train with Motobu.
But the most important transformation came from Mr. Funes's decision to make one of the cellmates white and the other black.
This quote comes from Mansfield's appellate decision in Goodright v. Moss.
Most of the savings will come from the city's decision to let taxpayers benefit directly from changes in the Federal tax code.
The album title, Woman to Woman, comes from Cole's decision to speak especially to her ladies with this album.
This came about from his decision to use the then-emerging credit card memories in the design of the Atari Portfolio.
This partly came from their wise decision to not invite any of their friends, or even a particular wife, to their party.
If mutineers came into the system where she wasn't keeping station, that would be another evil come from her decision.
The penalties came, in fact, from Paula Milne's, and the fictional mother's decision to reject the child, rather than from having the child.
GitHub's salespersons are not paid on a commission basis, and onboarding customers were described as coming from the customer's decision rather than a sales-heavy process.