Church officials declined to talk about the project's cost but said the money came from members' tithes, or 10 percent of all income.
"Coming from 1.5 percent to 3 percent, suddenly everything is fine," creating, he added, "a big difference in climate."
A third of the students come from welfare families and 60 percent live in single-parent households.
Another 19 percent came from devices running 2.2.1, and 7 percent from 2.2 or earlier.
Revenues used to repay the loan would come from 0.25 percent of county sales taxes, a program approved by voters in 1999.
And, she said, "over 50 percent of Berkeley's students come from 5 percent of the state's schools."
On the first $31,400 of small-business loans, the rates will come down to 25 percent from 56 percent.
This flow came from slightly less than 46 percent of the total watershed.
What data the agency does collect come from only the 3 or 4 percent of the nation's 2.1 million farms that have more than 10 employees.
His comments came after being told unemployment had risen to 5.6 percent last month, from 5.5 percent in July.