As he did so, Duff's superior came hastily into the room.
Okay, she thought, reviewing her plan as it hastily came together in her mind.
"I don't think it goes anywhere much," said Jill, coming hastily back.
Strat came hastily down the steps, no little annoyed for the public scene.
He reached it, at the same moment as the visitor, who, coming hastily into the room, was close upon the girl before he observed her.
She found what she was looking for on the wine list and they hastily came back with a different bottle.
We hastily came to our feet as he swept abruptly toward the door.
The Secret Service agents at the next table came hastily to their feet.
In the outer office Soldi watched him leave, then hastily came back into the room.
He came hastily to his feet, trying to indicate yes, certainly!