You will take what comes in a good spirit and understand that it is for your cleansing.
We come in peace and in a spirit of friendship to all beings.
I am a reasonable animal, he was telling himself, and I will accept whatever comes in a spirit of reason.
The cold war days are over and he came here in a spirit of forward movement on these arms control agreements and that speaks for itself.
Her words came in a low faltering whisper: "Get away from me, unclean spirit!
Through stress-reducing breathing techniques, individuals find inner peace and communities to come together in a spirit of service.
Regardless of political ideology, the women at this conference come together in a spirit of unity.
David had come to The Hollow in a spirit of considerable unwillingness.
Indeed, a partnership agreement can only come about in a spirit of mutual confidence, not if one party only sees problems.
My wish is that we still come together in a spirit of peace and harmony.