Confused, Collins came quickly to his feet in an attempt to calm his companion.
And when it began to come about again, presumably in an attempt to face its tormentor, it did so more slowly than it should have.
This change came about in an attempt to better reflect what the volunteers can offer to their communities.
Many other techniques have come about in an attempt to try and adjust to this new medium.
The change came in an attempt to protect the ball, and reduce turnovers.
M334, Benny, and Harry came together in an attempt to understand the phenomenon of music.
After taking 18 months off, Randall came back in an attempt to become a four-time world champ.
He said that he had favored a level of 4.5 percent for all banks, but came to the lower figures in an attempt to compromise.
"I have come here in an attempt to feel less lonely," Saviano told the gathering.
Several hundred tribesmen came to Sana'a in an attempt to protect protesters from security forces.