After seven full years of wandering, they had come home to what in the developing new language would henceforth be called Vrymeer.
There's no need to create an account until you buy something, and the only catch is that Groupon emails come in the local language.
People would come in for classics by Homer and Dante in the original language.
The answer came back in the same language.
Teufel is a German-language surname which comes from the word "devil" in the language.
Uchpa came to fame singing in the Quechua language.
His Diplomatique was awfully good; blunt statements didn't come easily in the language.
"That is the nearest I can come in the language of our host."
The questions and responses could only come in the foreign language.
The real content comes in the language, which is amusing, human, topical, sometimes vulgar, always entertaining.