That comes in the final scene, when poor Alyce can no longer muster enough will and good sense to resist him.
A telling comparison comes in the great scene beginning "Son giunta!
In the prelude (the music of the opening) we hear music that comes later in the sleep-walking scene.
You can see him struggling to make sense of this problem, preparing for the confrontation that comes in the next scene.
Down a whimsical hill come sleigh riders and skiers in the second scene.
Weird, challenging, it came from the lips of The Shadow, the mid-figure in the scene.
A revealing moment came in the scene in which Jimmy is put on trial for failing to pay his debts.
That's what comes to the surface, like black bilious lava, in the phone-call scene.
"New England," played without intermission, is bold in its form: the climax comes in the first scene.