When he first came to Russia on a business trip in the early Nineties, he brought two boxes of children's clothes for the throngs of poor Russian children supposedly roaming Red Square.
Those who come under budget on a business trip get to keep 10 percent of the savings.
Max Hess came to Allentown in 1896 on a business trip and envisioned a department store serving the area.
When he came back to Arizona on a business trip shortly after deciding to join the ministry, he had lunch with his former pastor.
One day, Zhao Qiannan's cousin Long Haisheng comes to Jinghai on a business trip.
Both designer and manager came to the United States on a business trip in 1932, on the Ile de France.
Ms. Caraveo's first husband and Mr. Cohen had a longstanding business relationship, and she had come along on a business trip.
Whether you're coming on a short business trip, or an extended family vacation, my office can help you make arrangements for some...more.
One day, a naval officer from Archangel came to our village on a business trip.
"I feel like I came here on a business trip about 10 years ago and haven't left," he said.