I was coming in for a landing, not on my legs but on the seat of my pants - not the ideal place for landing.
She ran as hard as she could, and the wolf came after her on his long grey legs.
He came in through the thorn scherm like a bashful stork on his thin legs.
He has come home on his own legs. . . . We expected to see you coming on a stretcher, perhaps - what do I know?
Fantasy came back from the horsebreaker with the terrifying habit of standing on her hind legs every time someone got on her back.
Last came the bindings on his legs.
I would speak with Clarence, and I came hither on my legs.
Once a moth approaches, the spider senses it coming due to vibration sensitive hairs on its outstretched legs.
Instead of the ubiquitous breeches this man wore a kilt of heavy plaid cloth that came high on his sturdy legs.
Normally, the delicate beasts come back down on their front legs after rearing up.