Though he has been at this for a while, his notable start came through his work with Army Of The Pharaohs.
Hale is almost universally appreciated as an excellent judge and jurist, with his central legacy coming through his written work, published after his death.
He first came in contact with Marxist literature in the 1920s through his work as a railway clerk.
The men come to terms with their own losses through their work for others.
It should have come through his work or a talented publicist; instead it came through his excited moment of debauchery.
Experimental psychology's contributions to the free will debate have come primarily through social psychologist Daniel Wegner's work on conscious will.
The concept of this program came through the Stennis Center's work with women political leaders in 14 Southern states over the past two decades.
Some people here came to us via newspapers, others through the web, through their work in other magazines, books.
An early pioneer of the theory was Edward Lorenz whose interest in chaos came about accidentally through his work on weather prediction in 1961.
She saw the beauty in all people and made dreams come true through her work and through her gracious philantropy.