Some worked two jobs, then came to the party's headquarters at night and worked another 5 or 7 or 10 hours there.
"Come to my headquarters, and we will talk."
Might you come to my headquarters some night?
One by one, at his request, they came down to his temporary headquarters and willingly spoke under bioscan.
But Mr. Cochise only came to our Irryan headquarters about six months ago.
They came under artillery fire on their return to their headquarters a few miles away, Sarajevo radio and United Nations officials said.
'Won't you please reconsider and come back to our headquarters?'
Walker contacts Konrad and informs that he is coming to Konrad's headquarters to kill him.
Not messages pertaining to coming crime, but a summons to come to crime's headquarters, from their chief, who represented King Cole.
If you have any specific questions, please call this num- ber or feel free to come to my headquarters at your parliament building.