David Duchovny later explained that the comedic episodes of the series were often more ludicrous than the other episodes in the show.
While the first two seasons featured primarily comedic episodes, the third season attempted to make the show more serious.
Some, mostly shown in comedic episodes, parodied the traditional view of MIBs from UFO lore.
The book is not entirely about Mandel's struggles; he adds a liberal amount of comedic episodes throughout.
"Humbug" was the first explicitly comedic episode in the series and Morgan later wrote three more scripts for the series that continued his comic take on the show.
Morgan's script turned out to be the most comedic episode of the series so far.
It contained a special comedic episode of EastEnders starring the Slater family.
In this primarily comedic episode, she is rescued by Little Joe, at first thought to be a male.
"Lord of the Flies" marked a return of comedic episodes to the series.