His earliest works were little comedies, dealing with Hamburg life, though he continued to make scientific contributions to various journals.
Black comedy is a form of comedy dealing with morbid and serious topics.
That decade also witnessed a rise in stand-up comedy dealing with more provocative or politically charged subject matter.
The Virgin Molly," by Quincy Long, is a military-service comedy with a modern twist, dealing in a capricious manner with a charge of homosexuality in the peacetime United States Marines.
The author uses a similar approach in his first full-length play, "Ancient History" (at Primary Stages), a two-character comedy dealing with a couple who have been living together for six months.
"Bargains" (at Primary Stages) begins as a comedy dealing with the depressed state of the local economy but rambles its way to an artificially upbeat ending in which the characters suddenly fulfill their dreams.
You Couldn't Make It Up was a black comedy dealing with issues of sexuality, the agendas of TV and film production and male rape.
Life's Too Short is an observational comedy, dealing with everyday problems, human foibles and social faux pas... but with a dwarf.
Most recently, she starred in the comedy Dealing, which was slated for release sometime in 2008.
It is a romantic comedy dealing with Lebanese social issues.