Which is precisely why, comedy fans, Hal Cruttenden is so very appealing.
However in recent times the film has taken on a cult status among comedy fans due to its charm and offbeat humour.
Maybe "Housesitter" is not for madcap comedy fans.
He is relatively well known among comedy fans in the United States, Canada, England, and Europe.
"You think about those six minutes for, like, your entire comedy career," he told a roomful of 150 comedy fans.
Fortunately for comedy fans he chose stand-up rather than movie stardom and was soon nominated as Best Newcomer in the 2008 Chortle Awards.
The characters, and their intense and difficult relationship, displayed deeper qualities of writing and performance than comedy fans were used to.
The show was initially met with largely positive reviews from car enthusiasts and comedy fans.
While the content is a little silly at times, comedy fans and news junkies will still find plenty to enjoy.
If you were a comedy fan, you always knew he was one of the faces on Mount Rushmore, but you thought it was based on that.