The intrinsic difficulty of scoring a comedy hit means that when three big shows come along, the effect is eye-catching.
'Snakes on a Plane' You could make a good case that the great comedy hit of the year was "snakes on a plane."
It is show time for a pair of musical comedy hits.
A revival of the comedy hit of 1943 by John van Druten.
The show already has the look of the first true runaway comedy hit of the season.
Two of the network's biggest comedy hits, "Mad About You" and "Friends," will be moved to new times.
Three years later, he was the director of photography on one of the silent cinema's biggest comedy hits, Tillie's Punctured Romance.
Davies' comedy hits are well-known, but less so was his enthusiasm for his Welsh heritage.
At Daly's Theatre, Edwardes presented slightly more complex comedy hits.
Returning with a full show in 1981, 'Alternative Cabaret' was the critical comedy hit of that year.