It's good to see Darlington encouraging a comedy venue and hopefully it will continue.
It went on to establish itself as one of the leading stand-up comedy venues in Britain, where many of today's top comedians got their first break.
The number of comedy venues in Taos, New Mexico, was probably pretty finite.
The Enmore Theatre is a renowned live music and comedy venue.
He then moved his act into the stand-up comedy venues of Britain.
He created one of the most infectious "buzzes" I've experienced in a comedy venue for some time.
The area is also home to small art galleries and Komedia, a theatre, bar, comedy venue and cinema.
Fools Theatre (formerly Off Broadway) - interaction and comedy venue.
The $10 million, 670-seat,12,000-square-foot venue is the largest comedy venue in the world.
He continues to tour comedy venues all around the country.