Although statistical data are not avail-able, the number of those who could afford comfortable bedding and padded re or cushioned seating clearly increased between 1560 and 1720.
Aside from comfortable bedding at reasonable rates, the Harvest offered Berry's Tavern and Eatery, a renowned story-swapping bar where on any night of any week a guest might find adventurers from regions as varied as Luskan and Sundabar.
Of course, they didn't remove the wounded from their thick, comfortable, bleach-scented bedding, pillowcases lined with gleaming rows of decorations.
She also acquainted him with the thick bush leaves, which made a more fragrant and comfortable bedding than the springier fronds he'd been using.
Both Evolved Rats and Evolved Mice are attracted to shiny objects and sweets, and will never be truly happy unless they have a 'nest', a personal and private hidey-hole with comfortable bedding and places to hide their various treasures.
"Extra rations and more comfortable bedding," the Duke teased.
One night, Bäumer along with a group of other soldiers are holed up in a factory with neither rations nor comfortable bedding.