My room had appropriately austere but comfortable furnishings and a capacious modern bath.
Every room was light and cheery, with comfortable if not sumptuous furnishings.
They are spacious and light, with modern but comfortable furnishings and wooden floors.
The home was old, solidly built and beautifully decorated, with large rooms and comfortable furnishings.
There were comfortable furnishings in the helicopter, even a silver coffee service.
A double room will cost $60 and features comfortable, chain-hotel furnishings.
She looked in admiration at the luxurious, comfortable furnishings the beautiful divan, the ornate decorations.
Now we have a place with comfortable furnishings, heating, good food, and, as fast as I can invent them, all the modern conveniences.
Money was raised to provide local military bases with comfortable furnishings and radios.
She cast an eye round the room, with its tasteful decor and comfortable furnishings.