"I wanted more information about this individual, and I didn't feel comfortable voting for him," Mr. Voinovich said.
Others note that a significant number of conservative Louisianans remain more comfortable voting for a conservative Democrat, than for a Republican.
She steadfastly refused to criticize Mr. Bush's Iraq policy, however, so those who supported it also said they felt comfortable voting for her.
And he was telling them - as much with the accent as the content of his words - that they should feel comfortable voting for him.
This also makes it less intimidating for employees who may not feel comfortable voting publicly, for example by a show of hands.
Irish names have been on the ballot so long, goes one theory, that people simply feel comfortable voting in Irish-Americans.
The resolution was carefully written so that administration supporters could feel comfortable voting for it.
But this election showed that you continue to have a significant number of whites who appear to be comfortable voting for an African-American.
Ms. Blewer said that while she was committed to P.S. 163 she did not feel comfortable voting on behalf of its parents.
I felt comfortable voting for the death penalty.