It certainly felt fast to use and comfortably exceeded all the 33MHz 486 machines we looked at this month.
All comfortably exceeded 1,000 first-class runs last summer and Taylor, with 1,806 at an average of 56.4, was outstandingly consistent.
More than 2,000 multinationals have regional headquarters in Hong Kong, and new arrivals comfortably exceed those that decide to leave.
Compaq's earnings comfortably exceeded Wall Street analysts' estimates for the quarter, and the announcement was taken by many as another sign of the industry's renewed vigor.
In his final year at the company, his own cash compensation was $949,000, not up to Munro and Nicholas, who each comfortably exceed $1 million.
(If the volumes are combined with those for the more powerful W11 the total comfortably exceeds 20,000.)
In total, 1580 were made, comfortably exceeding the 500 that had to be made to qualify for the vital FIA Group 4 class.
His total of first-class wickets comfortably exceeded his total of first-class runs and he never made 70 runs in a season.
Goldman profits appear to be on track to comfortably exceed the first quarter of 1998, when it made more than $1 billion.
Too simplify my own decision making I am seeking authorization to comfortably exceed the AAB requirement.