In economic booms, some personal shoppers will sometimes get more business than they can handle comfortably.
It took a rather large hand and a well-developed grip to comfortably handle the piece.
Only do as much as you can handle comfortably.
How many western tourists these countries can comfortably handle, however, is a question.
While your neck is healing, adjust your activity level to what you can comfortably handle.
Don't give your child more responsibility for her own care than she can comfortably handle.
There was too much weight for the ten feet to handle comfortably.
The crowd was larger than the house could comfortably handle, but the Ladies Aid added $40 to their funds.
But there are many more characters than the film can comfortably handle.
Today, at the six week checkup, I see the father comfortably handling the infant as well as, and sometimes better than, the mother.