By 1935, Morris was making a salary on which he could comfortably support his wife and four children, but he wanted to go into business for himself.
Pucky sat in front of him comfortably supported by his broad tail and regarded him with fascination.
Many of these men - and most are men - earn enough that they can comfortably support their families; their wives don't have to work.
In terms of living space, the Ring's interior can support comfortably the population of this entire sector.
Environmental controls made it possible to adjust the temperature, the gravity, even the composition of the atmosphere, to comfortably support members of virtually any species.
-The ideal population size for any animal is the number the habitat can support comfortably in terms of food sources and space.
We have all the population our resources can comfortably support, and then some.
Did the boom years of the 1980's and 90's give rise to more arts organizations than Westchester can comfortably support in the long run?
Anything else will simply produce more people than we can support comfortably, and hasten the day when everything runs out.
They provided me with a job and comfortably supported me.