Ginny's coat was like a warm, comforting blanket between them.
At least we had sheltered our kind beneath the comforting blanket of air and gravity.
The Abbot's powerful personality covered his own like a comforting blanket and he slept.
Without the comforting blanket of a city's background noise, all of those sounds are amplified in the ears of the suburbanite.
Haplo's silence wrapped around Alfred like a comforting blanket.
Charity collapsed beneath him, her body still humming with the hard aftershocks of release, weariness settling over her like a dark, comforting blanket.
She wrapped the comforting blanket tighter and pretended Gabe was holding her.
As planned, it was a clear, moonless night, throwing a comforting blanket of darkness over this narrow strip of sand.
The first rat blinked and shivered as the comforting blanket of safety slipped away from him.
All the great love that had surrounded him like a comforting blanket during his ride through the streets of Beijing evaporated.