He stroked her face, continuing to make soft, comforting noises.
She wanted to hold him and make comforting noises, but that wouldn't get the arrow out.
It was Mary who came, and made little comforting noises as she dressed my back.
Some comforting noise from the diners beyond the open doors.
Bending over the first girl she made comforting noises and spoke to her softly.
Chance held her close, bewildered, and did his best to make soothing, comforting noises.
I decided to make comforting noises to ensure that he didn't bolt.
The blonde made a comforting noise and bent to pick up his head.
When you are finished, another key will cause all the words to be printed rapidly on paper, but with a comforting noise.
She stroked his head and made comforting noises low in her throat.