It felt warm and tingly, and she closed her eyes and opened her soul to the familiar, comforting sensation.
It was a comforting sensation, as if one were to return to a private world where the very pulse of the cosmos could be felt, examined and absorbed.
He allowed his body to slip down inside the bath until he was lying on the bottom; the depth of water above his head produced an oddly comforting sensation.
It was a familiar, even comforting sensation.
Somewhere deep inside him he knew that something was amiss and that he should resist the strangely comforting sensations.
There was a comforting sensation, almost one of self-satisfaction, as Nelson moved toward the control room.
The pain of unrequited love ebbed a little more to be replaced by a warm and comforting sensation, a most pleasant glow, until with a shock Ralph realized two things.
He spent a long while lying very still, bathing in the comforting sensation, the warmth, holding that clear consciousness away.
Different from rock singers with loud high-pitched tones, Hong Kyung Min's mid-to-low voice color and stable tone approached listeners with a more comforting sensation.