She joined the show in 1988 and quickly became a popular comic foil.
It is this determination that makes her a poignant and yet occasionally comic foil as the woman in a man's movie.
For that reason, Gus serves as Chris's comic foil throughout the second season.
However, he later admitted Bela was "a great comic foil".
If the audience identifies primarily with one character, the other is often referred to as a comic foil.
Peter Stewart was a nice comic foil in the two bass roles.
He also appeared as a comic foil in many Jerry Lewis films.
Pete appears throughout the series as a comic foil to trade barbs with the heroes.
Sinbad is made to be in buddy movies, but Luke's character isn't much of a comic foil.
But what works for a comic foil becomes lame and tiresome when he is the center of a whole movie.