As the play somersaults from one setup situation to another, the author overtaxes his comic mileage.
There was much comic mileage to be gained from Allen sending up his conservative image.
Ms. DuArt gets all the comic mileage she can out of cracks that in another person's mouth would be thought boorish.
Mr. Hedden might have gained more comic mileage if he had confronted the director with a wounded playwright.
The film also gets much comic mileage from Pogue's dog, a terrier with a depth perception problem.
During the course of the film, Chase manages to get much comic mileage out of the use of a swazzle and at one point accidentally swallows it.
He also enjoyed the scene with Leslie and Ben, and said he believed the show could get great "comic mileage" out of their continued secret relationship together.
Despite the comic mileage he gets out of Eric, Mr. Moodysson insists that he admires his seriousness.
Louis Butelli is also a treat, getting great comic mileage from the sometimes unexceptional role of Roderigo.
"Mr Wilson gets plenty of comic mileage out of the anachronistic absurdity" (The Times).