Frederic Franklin's production, based on traditional sources, flows effortlessly along, making its comic points without exaggeration.
Her show had two comic high points.
Mr. Senelick is himself at least half a performer, even to putting on a red nose to make a comic point.
But what's the comic point of "Men Almost Behaving Badly"?
The film's comic high point is Babe's hilarious performance at a sheep-herding contest.
When, through the line readings, we're asked to be aware of the couplets, it's only because the rhymes reinforce the comic point.
Its comic points were hammered home.
But because much of the dialogue was inaudible, Ms. Liu's comic points were frequently blunted.
They are eventually joined by three men, whose equally deadpan maneuvering is the dance's comic high point.
The movie is directed in a hazy, soft-core style that doesn't quite gibe with its comic point of view.