Yet one can feel the young composer reaching, sometimes desperately, to justify a full length opera based on so fragile a comic premise.
Exaggerating Joan's fanaticism until it becomes darkly funny, Ms. Davis also captures the real despair at the heart of the film's comic premise.
It was completely captivating in how it used mythology as a comic premise and in how it presented a time capsule of 1931 society.
"Sticky Fingers" clearly sees these characters as adorable; the likable side of its comic premise does come through.
But their goodness is not the moral of the show; it is the comic premise, something ABC apparently was not ready for.
There you have both the unifying thread and the comic premise of "Red Diaper Baby."
"Addicted to Love" takes a nifty comic premise and uses it to bash you over the head with a relentless Punch-and-Judy ferocity.
Reviews of the play were mostly positive, though it was criticised for the lack of a significant plot or superstructure to support its comic premise.
As a comic premise, this may sound somewhat less than uproarious; something similar afflicted the tormented hero of "Memento."
Andrew can't be a total wimp, because that would be unsexy, so the fundamental comic premises of the film are fudged.