The women rule here, as Mr. Marshall announces with a comical first image of babushka-wrapped gossipers with attitude.
This comical image she presented in these daily walks caused her to be known locally as "The Bag Lady of Music".
The friendly, slightly comical image of the penguin has often been used by companies and organisations for logos and mascots.
The sculpture can also bring to mind the image, slightly comical, of a thin-legged unicyclist.
His comical and endearingly scrooge-like image earned him popularity on the Hong Kong television circuit.
This may be more in line with his contemporaries' expectations due to the comical and devious image of the waterseller given in picaresque novels of the time.
In self-portraits Ms. Matthiasdottir appears as an almost comical image of rigorously upright Scandinavian reserve.
He is the owner of one of the novel's most comical and memorable images: the peanutmobile, an actual vehicle existing in Durant.
The photojournalist couldn't forget the comical image whenever he entered an airport men's room.
I had a sudden comical image of two guys in sober suits and shiny shoes (covered in snow) shivering outside the giant doors of a remote monastery.