The creature, as it spoke, wiggled its chin whiskers in a very comical manner.
He limped forward, his twisted leg causing him to hobble in a sadly comical manner.
Its songs focus on racism and black empowerment in a comical manner.
However, the game still retained its over-the-top aspects including censored profanity done in a comical manner.
His plays always take place within a framework of contemporary times and concern modern subjects, treating these in a comical manner.
He arms himself in a comical manner to confront her but still fails to eject her.
Zoro is confident, but often acts in a very comical manner, he also has a lousy sense of direction.
He wagged his ears in a comical manner and tears were in his little black eyes.
Although the rabbi does give viewers insight on how Rueben must be feeling, he reveals it in a comical manner.