Along with being one of the best advertising art directors, Bindig was also a comics historian who helped Lambiek on numerous exhibitions.
"Paul's a good guy and a clever writer," said Mark Evanier, a comics historian.
Towards the end of his life, he agreed to collaborate with comics historian Michael Barrier to complete From Aargh!
Though much of his Timely/Atlas work went unsigned, comics historians estimate that Chapman, a staff writer, penned several hundred or more stories.
Gifford was regarded by many as the UK's pre-eminent comics historian, particularly of early British comics.
He was a highly influential comics historian, particularly of British comics from the 19th century to the 1940s.
The first version represents what comics historians call American comic books' first ongoing horror feature.
As Lieber recalled it to comics historian Daniel Best, "My mother died when I was 16.
In Toonopedia, comics historian Don Markstein described the art style and the essence of the strip:
Scarlet used this power mostly to help out strangers in need and help the police catch dangerous criminals, as explained by comics historian Don Markstein: